Banning users

Learn how to ban users from your feedback forum.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 2 months ago

To ban users from engaging in your Featurebase forum:

  1. Go to DashboardUsers

  2. Open up the profile of the user you want to ban

  3. Click on the Actions button on the top right

  4. Select Ban

Note: Banned users can still view the board but cannot interact with it anymore.

Banning users from posts

To quickly ban users from their posts:

  1. Open up their post on your feedback forum

  2. Click the ⋅⋅⋅ on the top right corner of the post/comment

  3. Choose ban-user to stop them from posting again

Banning users using their email

You can also ban specific emails:

  1. Go to Settings → Banned Users

  2. Click Ban User on the top right

  3. Enter their email and a reason for the ban.