Overview of all integrations in Featurebase and what you can do with them.
Written By Robi Rohumaa
Last updated 2 days ago

Integrations can help you better manage, collect, and prioritize the feedback you get in Featurebase. Here’s an overview of all our integrations and what they can do. 👇
Issue-management integrations
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Push Featurebase posts to Jira
Link Featurebase posts to existing Jira issues
View Featurebase posts along with its comments from Jira
Automatically keep users updated about their request
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Push Featurebase posts to Linear
Sync the statuses of Featurebase posts with Linear issues
Connect Linear issues or projects to Featurebase posts
Push Linear issues or projects to Featurebase
Sync due dates of Linear issues and Featurebase posts
Automatically keep users updated about their request
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Push Featurebase posts to Clickup
Sync the statuses of Featurebase posts with Clickup tasks
Automatically keep users updated about their request
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Push Featurebase posts to GitHub
Sync the statuses of Feauturebase posts with GitHub issues
Automatically keep users updated about their request
Enable users to log in to Featurebase with their GitHub account (Oauth)
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Push Featurebase posts to DevOps as Work items
Sync the progress of Work Items with Featurebase posts
Keep users automatically updated about their request’s status
Customer support & feedback integrations
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Collect ideas via Intercom’s widget
Save feedback from Intercom chat
Subscribe users to automatic updates about their request
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Save feedback from Zendesk support chats
Subscribe users to automatic updates about their request
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/featurebase command to let users submit feedback from Slack
Save messages as feedback from the chat
Get notified about new Featurebase posts on your Slack channel
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Enable users to log in to Featurebase with their Discord account (Oauth)
/feedback command to let users submit feedback from Discord
Save messages as feedback from the chat
Get notified about new Featurebase posts on your Discord channel
Other integrations
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Track different user events, page views, and actions on your Public Portal
Sync your users’ data from Segment to Featurebase for better feedback prioritization
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Connect Featurebase with thousands of other tools
Automate different tasks in Featurebase