Managing articles & collections

Learn how to create, edit, delete knowledge base articles.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 16 days ago

Migrating from other tools? Follow this guide to import your Help Center.

Creating new articles & collections

To create a new help article or collection:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Help center

  2. Click New Collection / Article on the top right

You can also create new articles under existing collections by clicking the + icon on the right from them.

P.S. Learn to set up your Help Center in multiple languages →

Changing articles’ collection

To change the collection of an article:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Help center

  2. Click the three buttons ⋅⋅⋅ next to the article or collection whose parent collection you want to change

  3. Choose the desired collection under the ‘Change collection’ drop-down

You can also drag & drop them under the desired parent collections and have unlimited nested sub-collections.

Deleting articles & collections

To delete articles and collections:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Help center

  2. Click the three buttons ⋅⋅⋅ next to the article or collection you want to delete

  3. Select Delete

  4. Confirm the deletion request

More on Knowledge Base:

  • Could not load article.

  • Could not load article.

  • Could not load article.

  • Could not load article.