Publish the Help Center in your customers' native languages with multilingual articles and collections.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated About 2 months ago

You can set up your Help Center to support multiple languages to provide help in the languages your customers speak. You just need to provide the translated versions of your articles and collections.
We’ll automatically show your users the correct version of the Help Center based on their browser’s language settings. They can also switch between languages manually.
Here are the languages we currently support →
Although the Help Center itself is automatically translated into your selected languages, the articles must be manually translated.
Configuring Help Center languages

The default language should be the one the majority of your users speak. It’s also the fallback language for visitors whose browsers are set to unsupported languages.
To add additional languages:
Go to Settings → Help center
Under language settings, click
+ Add Language
From the dropdown, select your desired language
Choose which language should be the default
Then, customize the Help Center texts for all the languages you added:
Next to the ‘General Settings for…’ select the added language
Start customizing all the texts for that language. The title is the only required field. You can leave others empty, and they’re automatically translated
After the edits, click ‘Save all changes’ in the bottom right corner
Repeat this process for each language added

Translating & organizing content

Now, you can see all the untranslated collections and articles. For the best user experience, we recommend translating all collections and titles in your Help Center.
To start translating collections:
Go to Dashboard → Help center
Switch to the language you’re translating (from the upper right corner)
Click ‘Add translation’ next to the collections and sub-collections
If a collection isn’t translated, it won’t appear on your Help Center’s homepage. Collections must contain at least one translated article to be visible.
Similarly, sub-collections need to be translated to be visible. However, even if a sub-collection is not translated, its translated articles will still be displayed.
Translating help articles
Finally, once your Help Center is multilingual, you’ll need to start translating your articles. You can follow this guide to learn more about adding article translations:
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