Zapier Integration

Learn to integrate Featurebase with Zapier and the key features.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 2 months ago


The Featurebase ↔ Zapier integration lets you automate a variety of tasks. Whether you want to send feedback from Featurebase to another app or perform an action in Featurebase based on a trigger in another app, the possibilities are endless.

Key features:

  • Connect Featurebase with thousands of other apps

  • Use new posts and comments as triggers

Example: Every time there’s a new post on your feedback portal, the automation automatically creates the same post on your Trello board.

Or every time someone posts/comments, get a notification about it on your Microsoft Teams channel.

Setting up the Zapier integration

  1. In Zapier, start creating a new Zap

  2. Select Featurebase as the trigger app (you can just search for “Featurebase“)

  3. Select the event that you want to start the trigger (it can be either a new post or a comment)

  4. Click Continue and proceed to connect Featurebase by clicking Sign In

  5. In Featurebase, go to Settings → Integrations

  6. Next to Zapier, click Get API Key and copy it

  7. Paste the API Key to the window that opened in Zapier for authentication

  8. After setting up the trigger, you can choose the action app and the action you want the automation to perform

  9. Once you have set up the trigger and action, test your Zap to make sure that everything is working as expected.

See all the possible apps that Zapier offers integrations with from here.

And that's it! 🎉 If you have any ideas about how we can improve the Zapier integration, please post on our feedback board.