User Roles

User segmentation with roles lets you limit access to specific users for posting and viewing content on a board.

Robi Rohumaa avatar
Written by Robi Rohumaa
Updated over a week ago

Roles are used for giving users access to specific boards. This feature is available on our Enterprise plan.

Creating roles

Creating Roles in Featurebase.
  1. Go to Dashboard β†’ Settings β†’ User Roles

  2. Click on 'Add Role'

  3. Enter a name for the role, such as Paid Users

  4. Click on 'Create Role'

Allowing a role to access a board

  1. Go to Dashboard β†’ Settings β†’ Feedback board

  2. Edit the board you wish to allow only specific users to access

  3. Click on the role you just created, such as Paid Users

  4. Click on 'Change Board'

Now only users with that role can view or create posts under the board.

Allowing a role to access changelog categories

  1. Go to Dashboard β†’ Settings β†’ Changelog

  2. Edit the category you wish to allow only specific users to access

  3. Click on the role you just created, such as Paid Users

  4. Click on 'Change Category'

Now only users with that role can see updates about that category.

Assigning roles to users

There are 3 ways of assigning roles to users: through our dashboard, via our API, or with the help of SSO.

Method 1: Dashboard

Adding users to featurebase.
  1. Go to Dashboard β†’ Users

  2. Click 'Add users' in the top right

  3. Fill in the email and choose the selected role

  4. Hit 'Add user' and you're done

P.S. You can add multiple users at once by separating them with commas.

Method 2: Add users to roles via API

To get your API key, head over to your Dashboard β†’ Settings β†’ API

Here's the documentation:

Method 3: Add users to roles via SSO

Firstly, follow our SSO guide here πŸ‘ˆ

When you have completed that, modify the JWT body to include the user role:

name: "Jane Doe",
email: "",
jti: "8c39a88f-922c-416f-94fc-422eb45808b9",
role: "Member" // Change this to the role you want to add the user

If you've got any questions or need help, be sure to reach out to us in the live chat! πŸ™Œ

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