Vote on behalf of a user

Upvote posts on behalf of your users to sign them up for updates related to that post.


Written By Robi Rohumaa

Last updated 15 days ago

Voting on behalf of your users lets you manually link users to specific posts as authors or upvoters. This helps you track the number of interested users and also ensures they're kept informed with relevant notifications.

This is useful if you’ve gotten feedback from other channels like email, for example. You can simply create the post in Featurebase and add the user as the author. And if others request that feature, you can add them as upvoters. This way, they'll get notified about the updates to their request.

Subscribing users to post notifications

1. Creating a post on behalf of a user

To add a user as the author of a post:

  1. Open the desired post

  2. Click on the current post author on the right-hand panel

  3. Search for an existing user by their name or create a brand-new one by adding their email (optional) and name

2. Voting on behalf of a user

To add users as upvoters to a post:

  1. Open the post you’d like to add the user to

  2. Click 'View upvoters' on the right-hand panel

  3. Press 'Add new upvoter'

  4. Fill in the email & name of the person who showed interest

  5. Click Add User

Good to know: None of these actions notify your users. Only when you start changing the post status later on can you choose to notify all upvoters.