Add Customer Data (Featurebase API)

Use the our API to seamlessly sync your customer data with Featurebase.

Markus Palm avatar
Written by Markus Palm
Updated over a week ago

Use Featurebase API to sync your customer data with Featurebase to view and sort ideas by parameters like customers' monthly spending or other relevant criteria.

Other Possible Use Cases

  • Post Management: Query, send, update, and delete posts directly from your application.

  • User Roles: Assign specific roles to your users, enabling them to view only specific boards as per their access level.

  • Changelog Subscription: Subscribe your users to your changelog so that they'll automatically receive updates whenever you post changes or releases.

Access Featurebase API:

Here's a link to our complete API documentation:

If you have any questions, be sure to reach us in live chat! πŸ˜ƒ

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