Editing Existing Posts

Here's everything you can edit about an existing post.

Markus Palm avatar
Written by Markus Palm
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll go over everything you can modify and edit about an existing post:

Editing the title & content

  1. Open the post

  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner

  3. Choose Edit title/content

  4. Complete the necessary changes and click Change content

Good to know: Users can also edit the content of their posts.

Changing post author

  1. Open the post

  2. Click on the current post author on the right-hand panel

  3. Search for an existing user by their name or create a brand-new one by adding their email (optional) and name

Adding and removing voters

  1. Open the post

  2. Click View upvoters on the right-hand panel

  3. Press Add new upvoter and fill in the email and name of the person that showed interest.

  4. Hit the blue check mark, and that's it!

To remove a user, just press the x button next to their info.

Pinning posts

  1. Open the post

  2. Click on the pushpin icon in the top right corner

Now your post is pinned on the very top of its board.

Disabling post comments

  1. Open the post

  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner

  3. Click Disable commenting

This disables all commenting on that post.

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