Post statuses

Show your users the current state of a post.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 2 months ago


Post statuses are a simple yet effective way to keep everyone informed about the development of a feature they are interested in.

The default statuses are:

  • In Review (default)

  • Planned (We're planning to work on this)

  • In Progress (We're working on this)

  • Complete (We're done working on this)

  • Rejected (We will not work on this)

But you can customize them.

When you change the status of a post (e.g. In review → Planned), you can choose to send a notification email letting all upvoters know about the update.

P.S. If you’re using one of our issue-management integrations (e.g. Jira or Linear), changing the status of a linked issue there also sends out the notification.

This is a great way to automatically keep users updated about the development without even visiting Featurebase.

Changing post statuses

To change a post’s status:

  1. Open the post

  2. Select the new status from the right-hand panel

  3. Choose whether to notify users about the update via email or not

If you choose to notify users, you can include a message with the update that will appear in both the email and the post's comments:

Tip: If You can also notify users when moving a post on your status roadmap.

Add, edit, and delete statuses

To create a new status:

  1. Go to Settings → Feedback → Statuses

  2. Click the + icon next to the category you want to create the status into

  3. Choose a name & color for the new status

  4. Hit Add Status in the bottom right

To edit the name and color or delete statuses, just click the corresponding button next to it.

Good to know: You can create statuses without even leaving the Dashboard. Just click the current post status and start writing the new one. Then click 'Create new status'.