You can reorder, name, and translate all modules on your public portal to your liking and also link to external sites.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated 2 months ago

You can completely customize your public portal's top menu by renaming modules, changing their order, and translating them.
You can also link to external sites. For example, you may want to link to:
System status page
Discord/Slack community
External knowledge base (if you don’t use ours)
Reordering & renaming modules
To rename, order, and translate the modules:
Drag & drop the modules in the order of your liking
Open the module to rename it and change its icon.
To translate a module’s name, click on the language button next to it and choose the language to translate to. If a language is green, it has a translation.
Click Save to finish
Linking to external sites from your public forum
To link to external sites from your forum:
Click on the ‘Add link / module’ button
Select the icon, name (and translated versions of the name if needed)
Paste in the link and click ‘Create Menu Item’