Changelog Notification Emails

We'll automatically send an email to your users letting them know of your latest update!

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 2 months ago

✉️ Only subscribed users and admins will get changelog notification emails.

Changelog notification emails play a vital role in communication and closing the feedback loop with your users. Whenever you publish a new update or release, we'll automatically send an email to your subscribed users.

P.S. You can also use the changelog exclusively as an emailing tool. By unchecking the option to "Show on website & widgets" while publishing a changelog post, the update will only be sent via email and will not appear on your public changelog page or widgets. For example, we use it to send monthly newsletters and more general updates.

The email mirrors the actual changelog post, including any illustrations and formatting. For example, here's a snippet of the email for one of our changelogs:

Email customizations

By default, all notification emails will be in your brand color but sent from our domain.

On the paid plans, you can add your own custom sending address and personalize emails even more by swapping our logo with yours and having a custom Reply-To address, ensuring these updates perfectly match your brand identity.

Learn more:

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How to see remaining changelog emails for each month

On each pricing plan, you get access to certain number of emails a month. To check how many you’ve left for each month:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Changelog

  2. Hover over the ✉️ remaining field on the top right

Things to remember

  • Receiving: Only changelog subscribers will receive the email notifications.

  • Replying: By default, users cannot directly reply to the changelog emails, but Growth Plan customers can change the Reply-To address to their own to get email replies from users. All emails come from

  • Unsubscribing: At the bottom of each email is the option to manage email preferences and unsubscribe from those you don’t want to receive.