Sending Metadata With Posts

Start sending metadata with your feedback posts.

Robi Rohumaa avatar
Written by Robi Rohumaa
Updated yesterday

When embedding Featurebase through an IFrame, it is possible to send along metadata.

Metadata could be the following:

  • Device OS

  • App version

  • Any other key-value pair you'd like

What does metadata look like?

The metadata you send along is a JSON object. The allowed values for the keys are: string, date, number, and boolean. You cannot nest objects in the metadata.

Here is an example of some metadata you could send along:

"OS": "IOS 16.2",
"App Version": "1.2.3",
"Beta User": false,
"Paid User": true

Sending metadata

Let's say you want to send the following metadata along with a users post:

"OS": "IOS 16.2",
"App Version": "1.2.3",
"Beta User": false,
"Paid User": true

To send this metadata along, we need to send a Javascript postMessage to the Featurebase iframe.

// get the featurebase iframe by its id 
const iframe = document.getElementById('featurebase-frame')

// send a postMessage to the iframe with your desired metadata
data: { type: 'metadata', metadata: { OS: 'IOS 16.2', 'App Version': '1.2.3', 'Beta User': false, 'Paid User': true } },

After setting the metadata, the next posts created by the user will have the metadata attached to them.

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