
Learn about different discounts and special pricing programs that we offer.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated About 1 month ago

We only offer discounts to educational and non-profit organizations. However, we do sometimes offer discounts to new bootstrapped startups on a case-by-case basis.

See if you qualify for one of our discounts. 👇

1. Education program

We review eligible applications for a discounted education rate.

Reach out to using your .edu email.

For-profit, online-only educational institutions are not eligible for this discount.

2. Non-profit program

We offer discounts for non-profits. Please reach out to us at

We’ll ask for proof of nonprofit status, so feel free to send that along with the first email for quicker processing.

3. Other discounts

If you don’t match any of the above discount cases, we sometimes provide discounts to fresh bootstrapped startups, etc., on a case-by-case basis.

Reach out to about your situation, and we might be able to help you out.