Delete your account

Learn how to delete your Featurebase account.

Written By Robi Rohumaa

Last updated 2 months ago

Important: If you want to delete your organization, please follow the

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Remember that if you are the only admin of a Featurebase organization, deleting your user account will also delete the organization. If you don’t want this to happen, please

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to another user.

This guide will show you how to delete your Featurebase account and all associated data:

Delete Your Featurebase Account

To delete your Featurebase account and all associated data:

  1. Open your profile (you can find it on the top right on the Public Portal or bottom left on your Dashboard)

  2. Click on ‘Edit Your Profile’

  3. Click on ‘Delete account’

  4. Complete the safety check by typing in your email, and your account with all of the data will be deleted

That’s it! You’re Featurebase account is deleted now.