The users' module gives you an overview of all your users and lets you filter them by different rules like top posters, etc.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated 2 months ago

The user's module allows you to get an overview of everyone who has interacted on your feedback board.
When users come to your board and perform an action such as upvoting a post or commenting, they are automatically added to the users’ list (assuming they are logged in and you don’t have anonymous posting enabled.)
You can then view what posts each user has made, what they have upvoted, etc...
In addition, you can also sort users by top posters, voters, and commenters and create all sorts of user segments to filter users or feedback.
Learn to add users and sync their data (like revenue, plan, employee count, etc.) from this guide.
Sorting & filtering users

One of the main functionalities of the users’ module is to help you find relevant users and their info.
This can be done with three methods: search, user segmentation, and sorting.
The best and most effective way is to sort your users, but sometimes, you don’t know who exactly you’re looking for. In that case, sorting and user segmentation can help narrow down your results.
Learn more about user segments and how to create them:
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Public user profiles

All users can see their activity (posts, comments, upvotes) under their profile on the public portal.
To view your public user profile:
Click on your profile picture at the top right.
Select 'My profile'

Good to know: All users also have a notification center on the public portal (similar to what admins have) to catch up with unviewed replies and mentions they missed via email. 🔔
More on users:
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