What are changelogs?

Let users know about new changes to your product with a public product changelog.

Written By Markus from Featurebase

Last updated 7 days ago

See our live changelog


Changelog is a useful tool that lets you publish product updates for your users to see in one place. This keeps everyone updated and shows that you are continuously improving and listening.

You can subscribe users to the changelog to send them email notifications about the latest releases. You can also embed the changelog into your app or website using different available methods.


A changelog post consists of the title, body, and illustration.

You can create changelogs for everyone or just certain customer segments. This can be useful for large, sophisticated companies and products. Learn to do that here:

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You can also create changelogs in your customers' native languages, automatically visible only to the language speakers. Learn to do that here:

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After creating the post, you can choose whether to notify users via email. Finally, you can publish posts immediately or schedule them for future release. Learn to do that here:

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The changelog has categories you can use to show users the type of update. Categories can also be used to filter changelogs.

By default, your organization will have the categories New, Improved, and Fixed. But you can create and edit them however you like:

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Subscribing users to your changelog sends them email notifications about new releases. This is one of the most impactful setups you can take for your changelog’s success!

Learn to subscribe users to the changelog:

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Whenever you publish a new update or release, we'll automatically send an email to your subscribed users. The email mirrors the actual changelog post. You can see an example here →

You can also select an option to not show the update on the public changelog page or widgets (only send an email). This lets you use the changelog as just an email tool for newsletters, for example.

Comments & reactions

Changelog also has comments & reactions to create a more collaborative environment around your public portal. They also work in the Changelog Popup and the All-In-One widget.

Tip: Encourage your users to leave their thoughts at the end of your changelogs with a CTA!


It’s important to know how your updates are performing and where they’re viewed from. From the Changelog analytics, you’ll quickly see what’s popular, which posts are most reacted with, and whether they’re viewed from widgets or the public page.

Learn more:

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Sharing your changelog

There are three different ways to integrate the changelog into your product.

Add a link

The easiest way to add a changelog to your product or site is to link it to a button or a text. This could be anywhere, from the footer to your product’s menu.

Just copy the URL of your live changelog (e.g. https://feedback.yourcompany.com/changelog) and paste it where you like on your page or app.

Tip: Many of our customers like to feature their changelogs in their marketing page’s footers and product menus.

Changelog widget & popup

The second way is to use our neat

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to show the latest updates straight from your app.

This is great because it means users don't need to leave your app to see updates. Plus, the changelog popup can be toggled to automatically show users fresh updates when they enter a page.

Learn to set it up:

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Good to know: You can automatically authenticate users in the widget using SSO for a seamless experience.

Embedded changelog view

The last method is embedding your changelog directly into your app in its original form, allowing users to see all of your product updates.

Here's how to set it up:

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More on changelogs:

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