Publish changelogs in your customers' native languages, automatically visible only to the language speakers.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated About 2 months ago

You can set up your Changelog to support multiple languages and publish updates in your customers' native languages.
The public changelog page and widgets automatically default to the users’ language based on their browser’s language settings. They can also switch between languages manually. The notification emails will also be correctly sent to users in the set language.
Here are the languages we currently support →
The releases will automatically only be shown to the language speakers. If the user’s language is not supported, they’ll see the updates in the default language that you’ve selected.
Configuring Changelog languages

To add additional languages:
Go to Settings → Changelog
Under Language settings, click
+ Add Language
From the dropdown, select your desired language(s)
The default language should be the one the majority of your users speak. It’s also the fallback language for visitors whose browsers are set to unsupported languages.
Although the Changelog page itself is automatically translated into your selected languages, the releases must be manually translated.
Translating changelog releases

To translate your changelog releases into different languages:
Start by creating a changelog post
Once you’re done with the first language, you can switch to the next language version from the top left
Continue for all the desired languages and publish
You can see which articles have been translated (purple) and which ones have not (gray).
You can also see how many subscribers of that language you have when choosing to send out an email notification:

You can still publish in only one language and have full control over how you want to publish each update.
Sending email updates based on the user’s language
You can subscribe your users to the changelog based on their language preference in your app to make sure they receive the correct version of the changelog.
For this, make sure to include the locale
field when identifying the user via any of the following methods:
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