Prioritizing feedback by customer revenue

Prioritize feedback by upvoters' revenue to make more impactful product decisions.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 2 months ago

Not all feedback is equal and upvotes alone are not always enough to reveal that.

A feature request with 100 votes from free users could be less important than a feature that two enterprise clients have asked for.

By connecting customers’ revenue with their feedback, you can easily see and prioritize new ideas based on their revenue potential. This is one of the best ways to find the most impactful features to work on.

NB! Prioritizing feedback by revenue requires syncing customers’ data.

How it works

We sum up all post upvoters’ revenues and show them next to the posts. Multiple people from the same company won’t double the post’s revenue.

You can also see the revenue of each upvoter individually by clicking ‘View upvoters’ inside the post tab.

To start sorting feedback by voters revenue,

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