Editing & deleting existing posts

Here's everything you can edit about an existing post and how to delete it, if needed.

Written By Robi Rohumaa

Last updated 6 months ago

Editing the title & content of an existing post

To edit the title and content of an existing post:

  1. Open the post

  2. Click on the ⋅⋅⋅ three dots in the top right corner

  3. Choose Edit title/content

  4. Complete the necessary changes and click Change content

Good to know: Users can’t edit the title and content of their posts.

Deleting existing posts

To delete an existing post:

  1. Open the post

  2. Click on the ⋅⋅⋅ three dots in the top right corner

  3. Choose Delete Post

  4. Confirm the action

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