Exporting survey results

Learn how to export survey responses into a .csv (spreadsheet file)

Written By Robi Rohumaa

Last updated 4 days ago

Need to analyze your survey responses more deeply? You can export survey results as a CSV file.

To export a survey’s responses:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Surveys

  2. Select the survey and click Statistics in the upper breadcrumb menu

  3. Click the Export button in the top right

Once the export is finished, the file will automatically be downloaded to your computer.

What gets exported?

We support exporting the following survey data:

Column name


Response ID

A unique id is given to each response.

User Name

Name of the responding user. Will be blank if anonymous response.

User email

Email of the responding user.

Featurebase User ID

The Featurebase ID for the user

User ID

The ID that you sent to Featurebase for this user.

Created At

Time the survey was responded to.

Page: Some Question?

All responses will be in columns with the page title.

Page: Another Question?

If you’d like the survey export to contain some other information, feel free to contact us in the live chat or email support@featurebase.app