Billing and Plans

Learn how to purchase a paid plan, change your existing plan and manage your billing.

Written By Robi Rohumaa

Last updated About 1 month ago

Refer to our pricing page for the most up-to-date information about our plans & pricing.

Manage your billing

Go to Settings → Pricing Plans to access your plan information and make changes.

From there, you can:

  • View and change your plan

  • Update your payment information

  • Update the billing email

  • View billing history - past invoices and charges

1. Purchase a subscription

Start by choosing a plan that fits your needs in Featurebase by visiting our pricing page or navigating to Settings → Pricing Plans

Once you’ve chosen a plan, click the Buy Now button to proceed to the checkout. Your account will be automatically upgraded after payment.

If you’re looking to purchase the Enterprise Plan, check out our

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article for more details.

2. Change your subscription

It’s super simple to upgrade or downgrade your subscription:

  1. Go to Settings → Pricing Plans

  2. Click ‘Upgrade now on a different plan to change your current plan

  3. Complete the checkout, and your account will be upgraded/downgraded to the new plan

If you downgrade, your existing higher plan balance will be transferred to the lower plan, ensuring you are not paying more than necessary.

Sales tax

In certain parts of the world, Featurebase is required to apply sales tax. The billing address you provide determines whether tax must be applied and, if so, the applicable rate.

If needed, you can revise your billing address in Settings → Pricing Plans → Update Billing Information