Migrating large help centers into Featurebase

To import larger help centers into Featurebase faster, we recommend using this guide.

Written By Bruno from Featurebase

Last updated 4 months ago

Yes! Here’s a quick guide on how to convert any article into Featurebase format.

You’ll need to have access to an LLM with long context-length support, like GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, or LLama 3.1.

You can then use our prompt to convert your article:

U cnvrt html/mrkdwn to ths frmt. 
[[SPRTD TGS]] <h1> <h2> <h3> <p> <ul> <ol> <li> <blockquote> <table> <img> <iframe> <div> <pre> <code> <u> <strong> <em> [[ END SPRTD TGS]]
Use sprtd html tgs only in outpt.
Use closest sprtd tg if unsprtd found.
No ln brks in outpt.
Keep txt same.
No <div> unless ncssry, prfr single elmnt at root. Example: Use <p>Hello!</p> instead of <div><p>Hello!</p></div>. 
rmove style tgs

{{DEF: <callout-component>}} Usage: Txt hlghlghtng. Colors: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Sky", "Teal", "Blue", "Indigo", "Purple", "Pink", "Gray"] Ex: <callout-component color="Red"><p>Txt here!</p></callout-component> {{ENDDEF: callout-component}} 
{{DEF: Vdeo Pltfrm}}Supprtd Pltfrm: YTube, Loom, Descript. Dta attr: data-youtube-video, data-loom-video, data-descript-video. Ex: <div class="iframe-wrapper"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/..." data-youtube-video=""></iframe></div> {{ENDDEF: Vdeo Pltfrm}}

[[ INPUT ]]


Add your article content between the [[ INPUT ]] and [[ END INPUT ]] when calling the language model.

We recommend using stronger models like GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, and LLAMA-3.1 70b. This is because weaker LLMs sometimes struggle with following the formatting rules in the prompt.

This will output a converted article that you can then send along to Featurebase to the Create Article endpoint. When sending this output, make sure you either omit the formatter from the body or set it to default:

    "title": "Your article",
    "description": "",
    "body": "<p>Converted via LLM</p>",
    "state": "live",
    "formatter": "default"

Sometimes, the AI likes to add unnecessary wrapper tags, like [[ SPRTD TGS ]], to the output. You can remove those by replacing them with this regex:

What is the Featurebase Article format?

Articles are stored as HTML in Featurebase. If you wish to use more traditional means of converting articles, you can use tools like Cheerio or BeatifulSoup4 to modify your article HTML to the Featurebase format.

Here is a rough overview of what the Featurebase system expects for articles:

Here are some general guidelines when generating the article content:

  • Never use <br> tags. Our styling system for articles is created assuming that no break tags are required. Everything will look nice without them!

  • Use default HTML where possible.

    • Instead of <div role="paragraph">My Paragraph</div> send the actual proper HTML representation: <p>My Paragraph</p>

  • Don’t use class or style attributes.

  • Avoid nested content as much as possible:

Here is an example HTML body for articles: