Creating and signing a JWT for Single Sign-On

Learn how to create and sign a JWT for Single Sign-On in Featurebase.

Written By Bruno from Featurebase

Last updated About 1 month ago

👨‍💻 You'll need to write custom code for the setup process. If you're uncomfortable with this, share this guide with a technical team member who can assist.

To create and sign a JWT for Single Sign-On:

  1. Start by getting your private key from Settings → SSO → Get JWT Secret. Store it on your server and make sure not to share it with anyone!

  2. On your server, generate a JWT token with your customer data using the example below.

Install required packages

npm install --save jsonwebtoken

Generate the JWT token

For safety, Single Sign-On tokens can't log in users who are admins of any Featurebase organization. These users will have to sign in by themselves.

const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const SSO_KEY = "JWT_SECRET"; function generateJWTToken(user) { const userData = { name:, // Both email and userId should be provided when possible // At minimum, either email or userId must be present email:, userId:, // Optional fields profilePicture: "", // Optional fields customFields: { title: "Product Manager", plan: "Premium", number: "123", }, // Optional, uncomment if you are looking to use multilingual changelog // locale: "en", // Will make sure the user receives the changelog email in the correct language // Optional fields companies: [ { id: "987654321", // required name: "Business Inc. 23", // required monthlySpend: 500, // optional createdAt: "2023-05-19T15:35:49.915Z", // optional customFields: { industry: "Fintech", location: "Canada", }, // optional }, ], // role: "", // optional - used for user roles feature with enterprise plan }; return jwt.sign(userData, SSO_KEY, { algorithm: "HS256", }); }

Make sure you replace JWT_SECRET with the secret for your organization.

Now go to Settings → SSO and validate your JWT. This will tell you if you’ve done everything correctly.

That’s it! If you need help with setting this up feel free to reach out to us in the live chat.