Ask AI to answer any of your questions based on your feedback and have it summarize search results for you.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated About 2 months ago
Ask AI
You can ask AI to answer any questions based on your users’ feedback. This is super useful for getting an overview of the bigger picture, understanding major dealbreakers, or quickly getting details about specific feature requests.
To ask AI questions based on your users’ feedback:
Go to Dashboard → Feedback
Click on the ‘AI tools’' button in the left side-menu
Select ‘Ask AI’
Use the ready-made presets or ask your own question
Tip: To view all of the actual posts answering your question, click the “View real posts“ button below the results box.
AI search summary
Also, when searching for a specific topic, you can have AI summarize all the posts on that subject instead of skimming through them manually.
To get an AI summary of the search results:
In your Feedback dashboard, search for a topic or apply filters
Click the ✨ Summarize results with AI button on the bottom of your screen
Tip: you can also do this when filtering - just filter for the posts you want to see and then ask AI to summarize them.