Help article reactions

Your users can react on articles based on helpfulness. Negative reactions will trigger a follow-up question with a textbox.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated About 2 months ago


Your users can react to articles based on helpfulness. If they react negatively, a follow-up textbox will ask what could be improved.

This way, you can see the helpfulness of the articles and exactly what needs to be improved.

Viewing results

You can either view the reactions of an individual article or see all the results from the Analytics tab.

1. Individual article feedback

To view the scores and feedback of an individual article:

  1. Go to Dashboard → Help Center

  2. Open up the desired article

  3. Click on the ‘Reactions’ button on the top right

From there, you can see all the scores and follow-up feedback for that article. Use the top-right toggle to switch between the answer types.

2. Overall article scores

You can see all the best & worst reacted help articles from the Help Center analytics. You can also see their sentiment scores, which are calculated based on reactions.

More on Help Center:

  • Could not load article.

  • Could not load article.

  • Could not load article.