Limit certain boards to only specific user groups that you have defined.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated About 2 months ago

You can limit boards to only specific user groups that you have defined.
For example, if your company has different products, you can create separate boards for them that only the users of that product see.
This way, you can manage multiple unrelated products or user groups within the same organization while showing end-users only what is relevant to them.
This can be done via user segments. To use custom attributes (e.g. location, plan, etc.) for segments, you must have synced customer data.
Setting up segmented access boards
Once you’ve set up user segments, you can create segmented access boards:
Click Edit on an existing board or create a new one
Select the Segmented access option under ‘Board visibility’
Under the ‘Configure segmented access’ section select the customer segment(s) you wish to give access to
Click Save changes
Now, only users in that segment(s) can view or create posts under the board.These boards will appear just like regular public boards for users with access. Those who don’t will not see them at all.
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