Sharing your roadmap

Different methods of embedding the roadmap to your app, website, and product.

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 6 months ago

There are 3 different ways to integrate the roadmap into your product:

  1. Adding a link

  2. Using the All-In-One Widget

  3. Embedding it natively

1. Add a link to the roadmap

The easiest way to add a roadmap to your product or site is to link it to a button or a text. This could be anywhere, from the footer to your product’s settings.

Just copy the URL of your live roadmap (e.g. and paste it where you like on your page or app.

The filters and (monthly/quarterly) views are kept in the URL so you can easily share a specific view.

Tip: Many of our customers like to feature their roadmaps in their marketing page’s footers and product menus.

2. Embed the roadmap using a widget

The second way is to embed our All-In-One Widget in your app or site.

This is great because it means users don't need to leave your app to give feedback. Plus, you can make it match your design perfectly.

Learn to set it up:

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Good to know: You can automatically authenticate users in the widget using SSO for a seamless experience.

3. Embed the Roadmap view natively on your site

The last method is embedding your Roadmap directly into your app in its original form to allow users to submit feedback, vote on features, and view the changelog.

Here's how to set it up:

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