New Post Emails

Once new feedback is submitted to your board, we'll send you an email about it!

Written By Markus Palm

Last updated 4 months ago

✉️ Only Featurebase admins will get new post emails. Users will not be notified.

We’ll send you (admins) email notifications about new posts on your boards. This is an easy way to ensure you're always conveniently aware of the latest feedback.

Plus, you can get an overview of the feedback straight from your inbox:

Email customizations

By default, all notification emails will be in your brand color but sent from our domain.

On the paid plans, you can add your own custom sending address and personalize emails even more by swapping our logo with yours and having a custom Reply-To address, ensuring these updates perfectly match your brand identity.

Learn more:

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Things to remember

  • Access: Only admins with access to the specific board will receive email notifications.

  • Self-posts: To keep your inbox clean, you won't receive a notification about your or other admins' posts.

  • Replying: Replies to emails don't act as post comments.

  • Unsubscribing: At the bottom of each email is the option to manage email preferences and unsubscribe from those you don’t want to receive.