Configuring the roadmap

Everything on how to set up & customize your public roadmap to suit your requirements.


Written By Bruno from Featurebase

Last updated 2 months ago

Excluding boards from the public roadmap

You can choose which feedback board posts you want to display publicly on your roadmap and exclude irrelevant ones:

  1. Go to Settings → Roadmap

  2. Under ‘Excluded Boards’ check the boards you DON’T want to show

Tip: If you get lots of feedback, we recommend excluding bugs and general feedback boards from your roadmap. This helps reduce clutter and shows users what they care about the most—new features.

Choosing statuses for the public roadmap

You can choose which post statuses you want to display publicly on your roadmap:

  1. Go to Settings → Roadmap

  2. Under ‘Displayed Statuses’ check the post statuses you want to show

What we do: Our roadmap shows posts starting from the ‘Planned’ status, meaning we’ve already reviewed them, which helps reduce clutter. We show posts all the way to the ‘Completed’ status so users can also see what we’ve shipped already.

Hiding the monthly & quarterly roadmap views

To hide the monthly & quarterly roadmap views from your public roadmap:

  1. Go to Settings → Roadmap

  2. Check ‘Hide Monthly & Quarterly Roadmap’

Tip: If you’re not big on setting ETAs for your features, we recommend removing these tabs from your public view to keep it cleaner.