Get an overview of how many visitors your forum gets, where they come from, and much more.
Written By Markus Palm
Last updated 2 months ago

From the analytics view, you can get an overview of how many unique visitors your forum gets, primary traffic sources, top pages, and much more. You can also see the data for each module individually using the filter on the top right.
For each module, you can see:
Top pages
Top geographic locations of visitors
Top traffic sources visitors come from
Top devices that visitors use
Top browsers that visitors use
You can also see module-specific data by selecting in the top right corner. For example, the Help Center analytics view shows the top-viewed articles and their reactions.
Viewing visitor analytics

To see your visitor analytics:
Go to Dashboard → Analytics
Filter the module whose stats you want to see from the filter button or
Select the module from the top right trigger to see module-specific analytics (e.g., article reaction score for Help Center)
More on analytics:
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