Add a lighter-weight feedback widget with a screenshot tool to enable bug reporting and feedback collection without a public interface.
Written By Bruno from Featurebase
Last updated 9 days ago
The Featurebase Feedback widget is a powerful tool for capturing bug reports and feedback inside your app, without the public forum interface.
It comes with two primary features:
Feedback submitting view - The feedback view allows users to write their requests with nice formatting options and suggests similar posts and articles to help with duplicate requests.
Screenshot creation & editing view - Users can submit detailed bug reports or explanations by clicking on the “Take a screenshot” button when submitting a request.
The widget can be installed using our JavaScript SDK.
Example<!-- Importing the Featurebase SDK -->
<script>!(function(e,t){const a="featurebase-sdk";function n(){if(!t.getElementById(a)){var e=t.createElement("script");(,(e.src=""),t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode.insertBefore(e,t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0])}}"function"!=typeof e.Featurebase&&(e.Featurebase=function(){(e.Featurebase.q=e.Featurebase.q||[]).push(arguments)}),"complete"===t.readyState||"interactive"===t.readyState?n():t.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n)})(window,document);</script>
Featurebase("initialize_feedback_widget", {
organization: "yourorg", // Replace this with your organization name, copy-paste the subdomain part from your Featurebase workspace url (e.g. https://*yourorg*
theme: "light", // required
placement: "right", // optional - remove to hide the floating button
email: "", // optional
defaultBoard: "yourboardname", // optional - preselect a board
locale: "en", // Change the language, view all available languages from
metadata: null // Attach session-specific metadata to feedback. Refer to the advanced section for the details:
If you’ve set up the
or , the user will be automatically authenticated inside the widget.Opening the widget
Open with a custom button or action
Add data-featurebase-feedback
attribute to a button on your website.
<button data-featurebase-feedback>
Open Widget
You can also call the Featurebase instance directly to open the widget.
target: 'FeaturebaseWidget',
data: {
action: 'openFeedbackWidget',
setBoard: 'yourboardname', // optional - preselect a board
Use a default floating button
If you added the placement
value at the widget initialization, there will automatically be a small “Feedback” button hovering on the right or left side of your site for users to leave feedback.
Adding session-specific metadata to feedback
You can attach metadata to user feedback to provide additional context about the user’s session (e.g. App version, Device type, etc).